My life the past few years has been anything, but ordinary. We moved from the NW Washington town of Darrington just over a year ago. The Oso Landslide that happened just about two years ago, was a life changer for not only our community, but our lives as well. Due to the heartbreaking loss of life from the slide, we made the decision to leave our beloved home after we suddenly woke up to river front property about 7 months following.
I do not know if I will ever forget how I felt during the minutes, hours, days, weeks and months that followed. There will forever be a part of my heart and soul that was damaged. I can't even imagine the pain and sadness that the slide victims, survivors, and their families experienced and are still experiencing. I was writing for the Concrete Herald at the time and conducted interviews. I actually felt horrible while trying to make the phone calls. Sewn into my mind forever from the scanner radio are the words "body bag, pieces, body bag, pieces."
Then you think back to the memories you had with the lost ones you knew. Tears still fall from my eyes when I remember the contacts I had with some of them and for the friends of mine who lost someone/s. It was nice to be a part of such a wonderful and strong community. A special shout out to the people of Darrington and my friends that are still hurting and mourning for love ones lost. As time passes may you find peace in your heart and soul!